What exactly is self-care?

Self-care is a buzzword these days and an idea that seems to revolve around baths and candlelight. Well, I think baths are boring. Does that mean I can’t “do” self-care?!

No way!

Self-care helps you promote or maintain your health— whether physical, emotional, social, spiritual, or stress management. As Blache Marie writes,  “How can I support my wholeness? How can I ask others to support me in being whole?”

Self-care is different for everyone depending on context— Are you in pain? Are you sad? Are you just really busy and overwhelmed? Your self-care could be taking care of a nagging chore, finishing that book, exercising, deep breathing for relaxation, washing your face every night (rituals)— the list goes on. In other words, self-care is intentional and very individual. It involves getting in touch with your needs and developing a nurturing relationship with yourself. Below are some ideas for self-care and stress relief.

What would you add to the list?


Disclaimer: The content provided on this blog is for informational and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional mental health advice, diagnosis, or treatment. While I aim to provide helpful and accurate insights, this blog does not establish a therapeutic relationship or constitute personalized advice. Always consult with a licensed therapist or healthcare provider regarding your unique situation before implementing any suggestions shared in this blog.


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